The Breath Takers

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Things become easy lately and I shud say thanks to her and him : ) As things goes smooth, so do the life of mine (^_^)

Hidup macam ni memang tak menyesakkan.

Tapi dengan adanya "mereka", it's sure a hell for me.

Kenapa dari dulu tak macam ni? The question that I'm really sure a particular person like me will ask.

Life are ain't easy my dear.

Hiduplah bersederhana guys. More meaningful for me : )

Ceritaharini ; Rules for live happily is choose the very best person to participate in your life.
Ain't a bitch like anyone like her : )

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I'm Here

I'm here

Still standing.

Regret it? Can't stand it?

Now you've lost.

I won : )

You pick the wrong girl to mess up with.

I'm not the girl like you.

The one who always depends on somebody else.

The one who always depends on your parents.

I am me.

Growing up and gonna be a lady soon.

Soon you'll congratulate me.

Ceritaharini ; Karma ;)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Have you ever felt?

What does it feels when someone is trying to let you down each time?

What does it feels when someone just don't wanna see you happy?

What does it feels when someone kick you rite at your ass?

What does it feels when someone is just can't really be happy with your life?



What else I did wrong towards those peoples? Am I born just to be your issue to talk about? Haven't u got tired? I'm trying hard to stay away from all people.

So hard.

FB's account is deleted, working hard to gain precious experience dalam dunia kerja sekarang.

I swear to God that I never ever try to know what is going on in anybody's life. It is not that I'm being arrogant or forgot where I come from but this is my principe.

This is who I am. Yes Imma workaholic since been graduated from the previous school.

I'm not asking for you to understand me.

But I'm just asking to let me just live in my own fuckin' life.

You're nobody to me. Stop pretend that you're somebody to me.

I don't need your attention. And so do them.

I can live in my own life with the people who knows me better.

I would appreciate much if you and your girls can understand this.

Thank you so very much.

Sincerely ;


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Kau ingat kau boleh lari?

Pandai-pandai buat gosip lepas tu lari. Perangai tak seiring dengan umur.


Aku sekuman tak pernah ganggu life kau, dan sekarang kau nak ambil semua yang aku ada? Memang nak tunggu aku mati sangat ke apa?

Apa lagi yang kau nak dari aku? Tak sudah-sudah.

Memang korang tak boleh hidup tanpa gosip ke? Pergi keluar tengok dunia sikit?

Sudah-sudah lah menyusahkan orang lain. Sekarang unfollowed aku? Heh. Sekuman tak sakit hati pun dan aku tak pernah buat isu kecil jadi besar dari dulu.

Aku rasa aku sangat komited dengan kerja and tak pernah contact sesiapa. Now bullshit punya cerita korang jaja sana sini. Memang nak jadi ahli parlimen pantai timur dan utara kah?

Whatever it is ladies, korang dah sangat-sangat melampaui batas bila bermain dengan maruah orang.

Aku memang berhak untuk marah dan tiada satu orang pun boleh mempertikaikan.

Ini situasi aku. Bukan kau.

Apa yang kau dapat kalau musnahkan hidup aku satu persatu?

Ingat, negara kita ada undang-undang. Tak mustahil surat saman sampai rumah korang 1 masa nanti.

Ceritaharini; Kau terasa? Memang patut. Sikit-sikit nak dengki, iri hati, jealous haramjadah. Suka sangat dengki, improve lah diri sendiri.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Stuck in the moment

"I wish we had another time
I wish we had another place"

Kerja, kerja, kerja.
I think imma workaholic much.
but the thing is, IDGAD about it.

This kinda friends is too sad to let go.
Problems can be put aside for awhile.
As long as I believe in myself, I know whats gonna happen next : )

Zeze said imma pushy but yes indeed when it comes to them.
She did realized that imma lil' bit quiet these days.
Asyik-asyik sebut 12 hari. Grrrrr.
But i do love you Zeze : )

Nowdays i got Zeze, Rara, Wawa, Didi, Lala, Meme and Yuyu to be there whenever and wherever i need them : )

Thank God i met them : )

Ceritaharini ; Keeeeenyaang. Banyak rezeki. Alhamdulillah : )

Luka Tanda Kesetiaan

" Namun ku bertanya padanya
Haruskah ku percaya pada luka
Sebagai tanda kesetiaan cinta. "

**Nashrin - Percaya Pada Luka**

I do admit my mistakes. You just don't know how hurt it is to tell truth that you don't even want to hear. Not all things are small matter. Every single particle is MATTER.

Sampai bila setiap kesalahan perlu ada sebab? As if you don't know what you think.






million times before you talk.

Ada juga orang yang fikir bila dah luka kan their partner, it is mean that she/he is loyal towards the partner.

What are you think of huh?

I just think that you should grab a dic, and find the meaning of LOVE.

Ceritharini ; Cocktail party! : )

Thursday, December 1, 2011

I'm Safe

Alhamdulillah, tak sampai 2 hari berhenti, terus dapat kerja baru :) sekarang dah setengah bulan kerja.

The place that I got is still Smart Reader Kids. Tetapi,




Tak pernah jumpa orang macam diorang. The way they work is totally different. I got no tensed when facing the children each day.

We works like a FAMILY :)

Cuma sekarang, semakin sibuk. Takpelah, dah kata kerja. Bukan kerja namanya kalau tak sibuk.

Most of my friends said that I'm forgetting them. To Hayatul Husna, you'll not be forgotten. Tak pernah lupa. Ok? :)

Aku hanya ingat kepada sesiapa yang banyak berjasa dengan aku. Yang dah hidup susah senang dengan aku.

Heee :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Resign in 24 hours


*clap clap clap clap 10000x

Hahaha. Mungkin tidak berbaloi kalau difikirkan apa yang telah aku buat untuk tempat tu selama ni. Tapi demi perkara yang tak mungkin dapat dielakkan, aku mesti berhenti.

Walaupun hati berat gilaaaaa nak pergi dari sana. Sobs sobs sobs. Kalau semuanya setimpal dengan apa yang telah dilakukan , perkara ni takkan terjadi.

I'm doing job hunting again now. Tak tahu dapat ke tidak sekarang. Haritu dapat macam rezeki jatuh dari langit.

Harap-harap rezeki murah lagi. Amin. But kiddo, Teacher Farah do miss you guys :'(

All my Cherries , Blueberries and Apples, I'll not ever find the same kids again just like you guys. Smart, responsible, obedient and also fabulous! Hukhuk.

Charmaine ; I love to tease her every single minute! :'(

Adam ; He likes to dance very much! :'(

Anis ; I tied her hair every morning :'(

Darwish ; The most intelligent 6 y/o I'd ever met :'(

Afzal Irfan ; Very hyperactive and the flirty romeo :'(

Damia ; She loves to be in my car because of my Tom n Jerry's tissue :'(

Nurin ; Since I taught her Maths, she can do very much well now :'(

Syakir ; The amazing 5 y/o kid! U'll never find a kid like him :'(

Allya ; She's a BFAB. Born from a boombox :'(

I am very sorry but I have to leave. Will see you guys later. Bubye kiddo. Wuwuwuwu~

Monday, November 14, 2011


We need TRUST in order to get a happy life.

Tak kira lah dengan siapa. Family, teman rapat mahupun kekasih hati. In order to have a long term relationship, the base we really need is TRUST. Trust your friends, trust your family, trust your partner in life.

Merujuk kembali kepada perkara berbangkit (heee), tengok tv harini and ada dialog kat satu drama ni memang bernas. Diorang ni sudah pun bertunang dan hampir berkahwin.

Sang dara : "Abang tak marah Irfan (bukan nama sebenar) sayang kan saya sebagaimana saya sayangkan dia?"

Sang teruna : "Silaturrahim yang lama disimpulkan tidak baik dileraikan begitu sahaja. Kasih sayang dan cinta yang kita ada tidak boleh menjadi asas kepada sesuatu perhubungan. Yang kita perlukan adalah Kepercayaan. Itu wajib ada sebagai asasnya."

Sang dara : "Abang betul tak kisah kami masih berkawan?"(Sebab depa kawan da 25 tahun)

Sang teruna : " Ya. Sejak kecil lagi kamu berdua berjiran,belajar bersama dan yang paling penting abang tahu perasaan awak hanya sayang sebagai kawan dan tidak pernah lebih dari itu"

Sang dara : "Terima kasih abang. Nurul (bukan nama sebenar) tahu siapa yang Nurul nak dalam hidup dan orangnya bukan Irfan. Nurul takkan sesekali musnahkan kepercayaan abang."

There you go. Mungkin ramai tak boleh terima dan mungkin ada yang boleh. Pendapat aku, aku boleh terima sekiranya orang tu tidak pernah musnahkan kepercayaan yang aku dah bagi.

Tengok orang jugaklah kalau aku nak percaya. Kalau baru sekali dua dia sia-siakan kepercayaan yang aku bagi itu aku boleh consider eventho' it is hard.

But when it comes to 3rd times and so, sorry baby. You're not qualified enuff to be trusted. Lets go with with the flow , shall we? You hurt people, the world will punish you. Got it? I will treat you as my-nothing-or-zero friend.

Trust as the base is very true. But before you trust the person, examine she/he first. It doesn't count when you love him and so do them , they wouldnt break you trust.

Learn to accept that people will change as the time flow. Be ready mentally and physically.

Once again I remind (as I've once post it b4), Trust is gain : )

Ceritaharini ; Sudah officially resigned ;)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Shogun 将軍

"Well I just heard the news today
It seems my life is going to change
I close my eyes, begin to pray
Then tears of joy stream down my face"

Bad habits are revealed.

I am here calling for help. Really can't bear it.

That spirit is eager to come out.

That side of me really want to take over it.

For now, I release it. I want it to be free.

Yeah I am in tense and no one can solve it.

Its been awhile I'd never give myself a chance to speak.

Everything seems hard for me now.

Ceritaharini ; Minggu ini.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Rajin dan Usaha

Rajin + (-ve) Usaha = Tak dapat apa

Usaha + (-ve) Rajin = Tak dapat apa

Usaha + Rajin = BERJAYA

Tanpa usaha walaupun rajin, still no meaning. Tak rajin walaupun berusaha, still no meaning. Tuah dan rezeki tak datang bergolek : )

Siapa yang taknak berjaya dalam hidup? Siapa yang taknak hidup senang? Mungkin kau akan kata, "Cakap memang lah senang. Kau bukan dekat tempat aku".

Kalau begitu mudah kau mengalah dengan masalah dunia, aku tak rasa kau mampu hadapi dugaan yang seterusnya. Hanya sedikit Usaha dan dicampur sedikit Kerajinan, kau mampu atasi semuanya.

Langkah seterusnya, jangan mudah redha. Usaha dan terus Usaha. Rezeki hanya mahu bertemu dengan Kerajinan dan Usaha yang kau adunkan.

Ceritaharini ; Moga kau diberkati selalu. Moga Rezeki jadi milikmu. Amin : )


Niat di hati tak nak susah.

Lepas tu, memang susah dan menyusahkan.

Lain kali belajar sesat dulu.

Baru boleh drive.


Ceritaharini ; Penyu betul lah -.-"

Sunday, October 30, 2011




Kedua-duanya mempunyai makna yang sama. Dan yang paling nyata, aku boleh nampak benda ini adalah virus paling susah untuk di-delete. Baik di Malaysia mahupun negara lain.

Otak bengkak? Sempit? Kau rasa kerusi kau diperbuat daripada emas?

Oh shait. Kamon-lah people.

Baru gaji 2k or 3k, kome rase kome da duduk atas awan dah? Aih fikir pakai otak ye kakak.

Ape hebat sangat ke pengetahuan yang kome ade tu?

Tak semua benda kau tahu.

Contohnye, boleh ke Pengarah Syarikat XXXX jadi Tukang Masak di kantin Sekolah XXX ? Konfem haramjadah yang diorang masak.

Contoh lain , boleh ke Datin Syarikat Butik XXXX jadi Tukang Cuci Tandas di Pavillion? Rosak Prada, Gucci, Primavera diorang.

So, masing-masing ada kelebihan dan kekurangan. And we can't simply saying that the lower class people is Zero.

You just don't know what they can do and what they can't do. If you can't be judged by the people around you, they feels the same too.

We talk about human being, right?

Don't you know that we are forbid to judge and punish people?

Itu tugas Tuhan.

Ceritaharini ; I love Sunday! : )

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Untuk Awak

After 3 days we spent times together.

This is what I felt.

If you're here, listen to it.

Each line is made up just for you : )

~* Lady Antebellum - Can't Take My Eyes Off You *~

Ceritaharini ; There will be next time. But this 2 years we have, it totally prove something to everyone :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

My boss

Situasi mase Subuh tadi telah mencacatkan jadual tido aku.

Semuanya bos punya pasal.

He's getting obviously nuts!

And I dunnow how to solve it but as mum said,
"Leave the centre ASAP."

Duhhh -..-"

I need money. Yeah for sure the allowance from dad still there but there's a BUT.

I need to go out from this house. I cant sit and doing nothing.

It's just not me.

For some girls, they'll choose to sit and do nothing.

For me, it's not going to happen.

I'm an independent and I'm workaholic type.

Ceritaharini ; Karoke yuukk! Eheheh.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lelaki Keji?

Ahahah. We do have different perception on each guy we've met. Lots of them are seriously act like they are The-Most-Macho-Man-Seriously-Damn-Ever-After.

I mean, watdehek lah people. Are you guys seriously really that pathetic?


It's not the way you look.

It's not the way you walk.

It's not the branded things you wear.

It's not the car you've got.


But peeeeliisssss. No need to pretend like you are Mr.Cool all the times. Give a break lah.

We look the inside things that you'll never show to others. It's all about the inside.

Maybe you can just start to use your head frequently and be a Man.

Inspirasi dapat lepas membaca ini Ceritanya 101% agreed!

Ceritaharini ; Hari malang.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Result keluar akhirnya. Alhamdulillah is all I can say : )

Now, new advantures.

Bachelor in Education of TESL .

Here I come! =)

Ceritaharini ; Berbaloi potong rambut hari ni even price mencanak ;)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Satu, terima kasihku
Dua, jagalah dirimu
Tiga, hapuskan diriku

Moga bahagia selalu.

Ceritaharini ; Biar gelap yang membuta. Hanya ini yang tinggal untuk aku.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Lelaki dan Facebook

Pantang berdahi licin, bersusun ayat dikarang. This is what typical guy in Malaysia would do.

Tak kiralah suami orang mahupun bapak orang. Aku dah cakap Facebook merosakkan tapi itulah ramai yang leka. Sekarang dah terjadi kat seseorang.

What I can say more. Tapi dasyat jugak dia ni selidik. Hahaha. Tabik untuk anda. Dalam kegembiraan terselit sedikit kerunsingan. Kalau benda ni jadi macam apa yang dah jadi dekat Girlfriend aku camne? Err.

Takpe, penyelidikan masih diteruskan.

But memang macam haram lah apa-apa yang berkaitan dengan social network ni. Mak ayah gaduh,kawan baik putus kawan,tunang orang dirampas dan macam-macam lagi.

Ape lah bengap sangat. Setakat gambar ayu sikit,rambut dye sikit,pakai sleeveless, pakai maxi je, berjuta buaya yang hilang waras. Sorry to say but this kind of guy is absolutely @#$%!

Lepas tu bila isteri/tunang/mak/gf sendiri transform jadi macam tu,reti pulak kau nak bising. Tak elok macam ni,tak elok buat macam tu. 5 jam kau khutbah. Tapi disebaliknya apa yang kau buat?

Ceritaharini ; Sabar wahai **** tersayang. Karma is here with us. I will always there for you :)

Bingung ke bengong?

Saya seorang pendendam.

Asalnya tak pun. Tapi manusia ni bukan bodoh dan mudah diperbodohkan. Saya seorang yang sangat suka berfikir dan memandang sesuatu secara mendalam. Saya selalu fikir apa yang akan berlaku, kenapa dia buat macam tu, dia ni orang yang macam mana, dan sebagainya.

Saya boleh faham setiap maksud tersirat dari setiap kata-kata, gerak geri seseorang. If kita rasa lain tu semestinya ada something wrong somewhere kan?

Cara saya mengekspresikan perasaan saya ialah dengan balas balik setiap perbuatan yang telah mereka lakukan terhadap saya. Payback is damn worth. Saya tahu cara itu salah. Tapi adakah mereka tahu bahawa apa yang mereka lakukan terhadap saya itu salah?

Saya cuma tak boleh biarkan orang lakukan sesuka hati dia terhadap saya. Kalau dia kata dia manusia, habis tu saya ni apa? Ayam?

Saya juga punya perasaan. Cuma dengan cara payback what you've did to me is the best method to me.

Saya tak kisah jadi seorang pendendam. Dia tak tahu betapa sakitnya dipijak dan ditikam dari belakang hidup-hidup.

Ceritaharini ; Jangan ingat orang yang bodoh-bodoh alang lagi bodoh dari anda. You dont know the capability of them.


***** ??

Gileeeeee taaaaaknakkk !

Aku pangkah 30 october ni -..-"

Nak pergi jejauh.

Padan muka semua orang.


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Degree holder

Pretty anxious to know the result but it is pretty excited to continue my study ! :)
Nak habiskan degree cepat and then I can focus on my work. And I pray not to get the same environment like I've been through before.
This time I hope its gonna be a way much different. Harap sangat ni weyy -..-"
UITM or UKM? Discussion is not done yet. UKM is the 1st option for me. UM?
Oh entah lah.
Banyak choice but its all depends on me. Saya yang nak belajar. Weeeeee :)

Ceritaharini ; Apesal tah?

Tak faham

Ingatkan dah berubah.

Tapi macam tu jugak.

Baik tak payah tanya.

Being concern is a crime rupanya.


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sorry seems to be the hardest word

What I got to do to make you love me?
What I got to do to make you care?
What do I do when lightning strikes me?
And I wake to find that you're not there?

What I got to do to make you want me?
What I got to do to be heard?
What do I say when it's all over babe?
Sorry seems to be the hardest word.

It's sad, so sad
It's a sad, sad situation.
And it's getting more and more absurd.
It's sad, so sad
Why can't we talk it over?
Oh it seems to me
That sorry seems to be the hardest word.

What I cannot change

I will learn to let go what I cannot change

I will learn to forgive what I cannot change

I will learn to love what I cannot change

But I will change

Whatever I, whenever I can

Ceritaharini ; Got no family I can blame.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Mr. Saxobeat

He makes me dance

Bring me up, bring me down

Play it sweet

Make me move like a freak

Mr. Saxobeat

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mana mungkin pohon bergoyang jika tiada yang menggoncangnya?

Percaya itu perlu.

Yakin itu mesti.

Orang takkan bercakap tanpa sebab.

Tapi sayangnya, batu tak boleh ditelan tanpa pecahkan terlebih dahulu

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New flavor 2011

*Shake shake bump bump for today*


Spooky. Macam-macam boleh jadi.

Ceritaharini ; Kena cuci sikit ni. Huuuu.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Easy for you to say

Suddenly ,

"Being in contact with anyone is no betrayal"

Bercakap memang senang kalau perkara tu memang selalu dibuat dan dilanggar batasnya oleh segelintir manusia.

Bagi segelintir yang tidak? Mungkin boleh dicuba perkara yang sama.

Ceritaharini ; Terlajak perahu boleh undur, kalau terlajak kata ?

Either way

It don't matter what you see.
I know I could never be
Someone that'll look like you.

It don't matter what you say,
I know I could never face
someone that could sound like you.

Ceritaharini ; Jumaat.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Heart Vacancy

I hear your heart, cry for love.
But you won’t let me make it right.
You were hurt, but I decided,
That you were worth the fight.

Every night, you lock up.
You won’t let me come inside.
But the look in your eyes.
I can turn the tide

Ceritaharini ; Tidur.


Bos dah gila.

Gonna be my nightmare!

Gila lah lagu baik punyaaaaa -..-"

Ceritaharini ; Mama gonna leave for 4 days. Sobs sobs.


Don't Tell your problems.. Nobody Cares.

Don't Talk so much... Nobody Listens.

Don't Explain... Nobody Understands.

Is it enough to breathe ?

I was under your spell for such a long time
Couldn't break the chains
You played with my heart tore me apart
With all your lies and games

You can’t touch me now there’s no feeling left
If you think I’m coming back don’t hold your breath
What you did to me boy I can’t forget