The Breath Takers

Monday, December 12, 2011

Have you ever felt?

What does it feels when someone is trying to let you down each time?

What does it feels when someone just don't wanna see you happy?

What does it feels when someone kick you rite at your ass?

What does it feels when someone is just can't really be happy with your life?



What else I did wrong towards those peoples? Am I born just to be your issue to talk about? Haven't u got tired? I'm trying hard to stay away from all people.

So hard.

FB's account is deleted, working hard to gain precious experience dalam dunia kerja sekarang.

I swear to God that I never ever try to know what is going on in anybody's life. It is not that I'm being arrogant or forgot where I come from but this is my principe.

This is who I am. Yes Imma workaholic since been graduated from the previous school.

I'm not asking for you to understand me.

But I'm just asking to let me just live in my own fuckin' life.

You're nobody to me. Stop pretend that you're somebody to me.

I don't need your attention. And so do them.

I can live in my own life with the people who knows me better.

I would appreciate much if you and your girls can understand this.

Thank you so very much.

Sincerely ;


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