The Breath Takers

Friday, February 24, 2012

This little thing called ...

Have you ever wanted to ask a question, but didn’t because you knew that in your heart, you wouldn’t be able to handle the answer.


Anonymous said...

just least you will know an answer.

u may like it..u may not

but at least an answer would be worth to know than knowing nothing at all...


Anonymous said...

"We cannot love or hate something until we've understood it."

As human beings we tend to automatically choose to hate or dislike things that we don't have a true understanding of yet. Whether it is because the things we don't understand leave us feeling threatened or confused, no one will truly ever know but this is a practice that we can stop, if we just put our minds to it. Passing judgment on something before we ever have a chance to understand it can be extremely harmful to us in the long run, whether the judgment we pass be positive, or whether it be negative.

Before you fall in love with the new person you just met, or determine that you can't stand the new person, make sure that you get to know who they really are first. Don't judge a book by its cover, read its contents first before you decide if it's for you or if it isn't.

This I understood well on how I should never-ever let my assumption to you to play with my mind...never again...

I am sorry =)

Lilo Ohana said...

For all the explainations I gave to u, hope it won't hurt ya.

its just the matter of I need to understand u well..

No such words can describe u for who you are :)

Apology accpted already.

Lets move on :)